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Rule #3 of Investing in Custom Knives

August 26, 2011

Value Pricing  

Perhaps the thing that both excites and confounds R. J. Martin collectors is that he makes a concerted effort to come out with at least one new folder each year. Of course with a new design being built and previous design will become harder to get. (SharpbyCoop photo)

Text by Les Robertson

Many people mistakenly think this means the best price or cheapest price. In fact, a value price is one that, given the maker’s position in the market, provides the buyer a value, regardless of the price tag. Basically, this price offers the potential to profit from the sale of this knife—ROI. Mike Ruth is an excellent example of this—in particular, his Damascus knives.

Shawn McIntyre is currently the best knife maker in Australia, if consistently winning awards year after year from his peers are any indication of success! Given Shawn’s award-winning skills in both the U.S. and his native Australia, it will be only a matter of time before he becomes an overnight sensation in the U.S.

Tim Britton offers the very best value for the money when it comes to slip-joint folders. As if that isn’t enough the stag he uses for his knives is “killer!” Perhaps the strongest indicator for me about Tim’s work was that other knife makers were not just talking about his slip joints; they were buying them! Knifemakers aren’t known for buying knives.

What Mike Ruth, Shawn McIntyre and Tim Britton have in common is that they build a very high-quality knife and offer it to their clients at a value price. This is a combination for continued and extended success, whether you are looking for a short-term or long-term investment. These are the types of makers you should at least consider for successful investing.

Authors note: For the purpose of full disclosure, I have worked with every maker I list in this article and have done so for between three and 15 years. I write this so you will understand why I have used them in this article. I have been able to witness firsthand how their market position has helped them and their collector/investors.

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